How to make Simple Weather Application in Android Studio

How to prepare your flutter application to upload on Google Play store in easiest way

After completing application development, one of the frustrating things is to make a signed application so the developer can upload it to the Play store but with flutter now it's very easy to do. One can signed application with just a single command, with flutter_automation plugin.

In this article, we will learn how to build a signed apk of a flutter project. In flutter, we have a flutter_automation plugin to generate a signed apk.

Add this to your pubspec.yaml file

  flutter_automation: ^1.4.0
Run the following command or press ctrl+s to install the plugin

flutter pub get
So now to setup android signing, run the following command from terminal
flutter pub pub run flutter_automation --android-sign

After that series of questions require to generate keystore and signing key will be appear on by one.
  • Key alias: Enter anything (App name, your name etc)
  • dname: CN = Common name, OU = organization unity, O = organization, L= locality, ST = State or province name, C = Country, DC = Domain component. Try to enter as maximum you can. You can also skip field if you want. Just press enter.
  • key password: Enter password here (like keypassord)
  • keystore password: Enter password here (like keystorepassord)
After entering all the information, press enter the plugin will automatically generate file and save it.
After that press run the following command to generate singed apk

flutter build apk

or generate appbundle with following command

flutter build appbundle
Now you can upload app_release.apk or to playstore

Here is the application i upload in the below video demostration. Please install to show some support.

Watch on YouTube


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